Before I had kids, I never thought

That I would cheer for someone when they used the potty and that they would return the favor when they insisted on being present every – single – time –  I used the bathroom. That I would have entire conversations perched on the tub with someone while they pooped (and not have had alcohol been involved) That I would have to ask someone not to stick ping pong balls in my bra. That I […]


Oh Fudge

Before I was pregnant with my first daughter I had a potty mouth of epic proportions that only got progressively worse when I was became pregnant. I would coin R-rated phrasings so effortlessly during a fit of road rage that you would think that during those 9 months, I was being scripted by Quentin Tarantino. However, I knew that swearing would have to be curtailed once the niblet arrived since […]