Hi, my name is Brie and I’m addicted to photo apps. You would think the fact that I have Photoshop and Aperture at my disposal would mean that I would shun the use of photo apps, but I have a slew of them on my iPhone and I puffy heart them because they’re fun to play with and quick and dirty and I like to layer different ones on the same photo to achieve different effects. So I pretty much lost a good couple of hours when I finally stumbled upon pixlr-o-matic. You can either use it as a web based application, or on Chrome, as well as a iOS or Android app. However, I really liked that I could use some of my DSLR photos to add some quick effects without having to move them to Dropbox to access them on my phone. The interface is really intuitive and fun.

I started with a B & W photo that I had on my desktop.

The final result, which is subtle but still a lot more vintagey then when I started, which isn’t bad for about 1 min of work.


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